I travel frequently for my work, mostly to Asia and Europe. The most common question I get is, "Where are you from?" I don't sweat it. I get that all the time even here in NH, where I live now. I have a deep southern accent (raised in Georgia and spent many years in Tennessee), so I usually say something silly like, "South Boston" and then mimic a Kennedy accent with something like, "I pahked the cah ond played bahl." People usually laugh and then I get even better customer service. I get a lot of mileage out of my southern accent. My sweetheart loves it.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Are you interested in dropping your southern accent?
by jam inwell you are in luck, oak ridge national laboratory in.
tn offered a class for their 4000 employees from 90. different countries, get this,a class that teaches how to.
minimice a southern accent.
Surreal experience last night.
by objectivetruth inrecently a jw friend that my wife & i knew 3 years ago added me on facebook, after i accepted the request she invited me to a dinner that her and her husband are holding next month.. i imagined that she was unaware of our apostasy, so i declined the invitation on the basis of not wanting to ruin her dinner after the rest of her guests fled at our presence.. i'm never sure how old friends will react when i tell them that i'm no longer a jw.. usually their response is "..... permanent-silence......".
her response went something like this, " we are all out!
everyone that is coming is out we all look forward to seeing you guys so much" it turns out that there will be 6 people at the dinner all friends of ours from a congregation that we attended a few years back.. they have all left the organization recently.. pretty crazy experience..
under the radar
Congratulations! You've just hit the jackpot. Rediscovering old friends who have escaped the WT must be wonderful. Enjoy the dinner!
The Memorial- Passing the emblems, a prime display of weirdness
by Darth Fader The Sequel innot sure if this bothered other people, but it absolutely drove me crazy!!!!.
ok, typical annual memorial.
the emblems are being passed around.
under the radar
On a lighter note, in the congregation I once attended a LONG time ago, there a very nice and likeable, though a bit weird, "brother" who was of the "Anointed." Despite the fact that he had a history of mental and emotional problems, he often gave the Memorial talk. Anyway, at one Memorial he remained on the platform while being served the emblems. He broke off a bit of the bread, popped it into his mouth, swallowed, smacking his lips. Then he said in an animated voice, "Tastes good!" I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing out loud, it was so comical. I don't think he ever realized how inappropriate his comment was.
Would you do this to your kids? Is this cold or am I crazy?
by BU2B inmy mentally in jw wife is trying to organize a "princess party" for my 4 year old daughter and her little cousins and friends.
she was looking at prices of a tent for the backyard party in case it rains.
she asked the hardware store how much and they said 90 dollars for the day.
under the radar
First off, the attitude of BU2B's father-in-law, apparently endorsed by AnneB, is despicable. It is selfish beyond words. To refuse to do anything for one's family simply out of love and generosity, without looking for personal gain, is greedy and self-serving and completely belies and negates any religious "higher ground" one might pretend to claim.
But at the risk of starting a firestorm, sir82's equating AnneB's response to a reflection of the Tea Party platform is totally incorrect. For the record, I am not a Tea Party member or proponent. I am more of an Independent who believes in equal opportunity, personal responsibility, and self-reliance. The Founding Fathers (of the United States) did not believe in, endorse, or set up a Government welfare system. They knew all too well that such would create a dependency. They much preferred that the truly needy rely on private, usually religious, charity and most contributed freely of their own funds towards such charities. A certain amount of stigma associated with receiving such charity tended to limit the recipients to those truly in need.
This is entirely different from today's welfare system where people can simply choose to live off the system rather than take advantage of the free public education system and learn how to work to provide for themselves. Entire generations are brought up to believe that the world "owes" them a living and they are free to have as many children as they want and expect others to feed, clothe, and house them. This pattern is self-perpetuating and ultimately unsustainable. The political party that most avidly supports this system facilitates and tacitly encourages this behavior because it continuously expands their power base. The same is true of ethnic leaders who seldom if ever decry the constantly increasing rates of illegitimacy and dependency in their groups. The more the merrier, since it increases their own influence and political power.
That said, an "every man for himself" attitude is unloving, selfish, and well, just wrong. People should care about others and share freely when able. To always look at others, especially family, as income opportunities reveals a truly bankrupt heart. I wouldn't want to be around people like that, family or not. Being caring and generous has less to do with being Christian, or whatever, than with simply being a good person. Anyone can be loving and generous without attributing it to belief in ancient fairytales and myths. In fact, those who profess belief in such superstitions and yet are actually selfish and greedy besmirch the "faith" or belief system they are so proud of. Hypocrites!
under the radar
To be on the safe side, I would be leery of sending anyone an unpublished picture of a third party without their consent. Just sayin'...
"Witness to Murder" an upcoming program on US TV about a JW family will air August 20th...
by AndersonsInfo ini was informed yesterday that a us cable tv channel named investigation discovery will be broadcasting a 7-part series named "deadly devotion.
" one program in the series is "witness to murder" which will air wednesday evening, august 20th, probably at 9 p.m. est.
check the schedule on the internet which lists the date and time of broadcast two-weeks ahead.
under the radar
I just finished the book. Heart-wrenching read. I would not have had the self-control James had in dealing with tragedy. I'm quite sure vengeance and retribution would have consumed me.
I found James on a social media site, but I wouldn't presume to contact him about this matter. I would never want to reopen the wounds that must run so deep. But I was wondering, does anyone know if Jeff Anderson, the self-confessed child-abusing triple murderer in this case, is still incarcerated? If not, does anyone know his current whereabouts and/or what name he goes by now? Wherever he is, he deserves to be exposed for the psychopathic monster he is. I hope his fellow prisoners clearly and repeatedly "explained" to him the error of his ways. People like him never completely reform and will always be looking for their next victim. They do not deserve to breathe.
"Witness to Murder" an upcoming program on US TV about a JW family will air August 20th...
by AndersonsInfo ini was informed yesterday that a us cable tv channel named investigation discovery will be broadcasting a 7-part series named "deadly devotion.
" one program in the series is "witness to murder" which will air wednesday evening, august 20th, probably at 9 p.m. est.
check the schedule on the internet which lists the date and time of broadcast two-weeks ahead.
under the radar
Just in case anyone's interested... Amazon now has a Kindle version available for less than 5 bucks. With a free app, you can read a Kindle book on just about any computer, tablet, or smart phone. I know for a fact it works on the MacBook, iPad, and iPhone.
"Witness to Murder" an upcoming program on US TV about a JW family will air August 20th...
by AndersonsInfo ini was informed yesterday that a us cable tv channel named investigation discovery will be broadcasting a 7-part series named "deadly devotion.
" one program in the series is "witness to murder" which will air wednesday evening, august 20th, probably at 9 p.m. est.
check the schedule on the internet which lists the date and time of broadcast two-weeks ahead.
under the radar
Thanks, Barbara! I set myself an iPhone Reminder to record and/or watch to show on August 20. My Xfinity DVR won't let me schedule a recording that far in advance. I'm also ordering a copy of the book itself.
This is very tragic story, but one we need to be aware of. Unfortunately, this is not the first time something like this has happened. I sure hope it never happens again.
Thanks again for letting us know about this, and especially for your tireless efforts on behalf of the most vulnerable victims of WT policy.
Do You Give Personal Information About Yourself On This Site?
by minimus inif someone asked you for information regarding your identity, would you tell them?
under the radar
Love that tag number!
I know this sounds gross
by Doug Mason inthere is a medical procedure known as: fecal microbiota transplantation (or transfusion).. has the watchtower society identified whether blood is possibly transfused through this process?
if it has, what is its verdict?
if it has not investigated this medical procedure, why hasn't it?.
under the radar
I had a friend who had to have this done. He had a particular intestinal disorder. Anyway, the transferred matter is NOT simply stool from another person. The fecal sample must come from a close relative and then it goes through an extensive process before being introduced into the intestines of the patient. There's nothing erotic about it at all. It's simply a last ditch medical procedure to avoid some pretty serious consequences.